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Typical Harp Questions

Answered by Tessa

How much do you charge for Weddings? Do you charge by the hour?

I don't charge by the hour because I think that can make things complicated for the clients; weddings are always full of surprises, delays and I'm always willing to be flexible. My fees are very straight forward; I have separate fees for the ceremony, reception and a fee for both. There might be a small charge for travel if you're a little further away. There is an initial deposit of £100 required and final payment around a week before the wedding. Feel free to contact me for more details.

Do you learn requests?

With enough notice, I'm happy to try to learn a requested piece. I would say that not all songs suit the harp so it is worth discussing this when we have a meeting or phone call. I'm keen to make sure the day is as special as it can be for my clients. I can also recommend some pieces that I think you'll like.

Can you play outside?

Yes I can as long as it is not raining or particularly windy. I don't require any electricity.

Is it possible to come and hear you play somewhere?

Yes of course. You are very welcome to arrange a time to visit me at my home. You can hear some pieces and ask any questions you have. It is a great way for me to find the best way to make your day special.

What do you enjoy most about performing at Weddings?

It is such a privilege to be part of a couple's special day. I have played at just about every part of a wedding including the ceremony, reception and the wedding breakfast but there is nothing quite like playing for the walk down the aisle. This moment is so iconic and magical; it is quite an honour to be part of someone's lasting memory of that moment.

How many strings do harps have?

My concert harp has 47 strings. Not many people realise this but it also has 7 pedals each with 3 different positions each. These are needed to change key or play accidentals (the equivalent to the black notes on a piano). Playing the harp is a great multi-tasking excercise!

Why do you believe the harp is so popular at Weddings?

In my opinion, there are lots of reasons why the harp works so well at Weddings. The soft sound and peaceful timbre make it the perfect setting for such an intimate occasion. It is also a very calming sound which, brides have  said it has created a serene atmosphere in those nerve-racking moments before the ceremony starts!

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